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How to Choose the Right Commercial Pool Cleaner

How to Choose the Right Commercial Pool Cleaner

If you are an owner of a commercial pool, then you might know the pain to keep it always clean and hygienic. As customers as the key factor, it is your responsibility to keep the customer satisfied. Most commercial pool owners outsource the pool cleaning service to a cleaning agency or they might have in-house cleaning employees to make sure the pool is always cleaned. But whatever it is traditional pool cleaning methods won't work in the commercial pool.

Machine cleaning is the only better solution for your commercial pool and especially the automatic commercial swimming pool cleaning robot. Because it will help to save water, chemicals, electricity, and labor and are a good investment, and provides visitors with a safe and sanitary swimming area. With Conventional pool cleaning methods, it is difficult to reach deeper parts of the pool and little dirt particles can be missed.

Buying a pool cleaner will always help to remove adhering debris and algae that aren't caught by the built-in circulating water filtration system of the pool. This is why you need Pool cleaning machines. It will make your work easy and save you time and money too. Now let’s learn how to choose the right commercial pool cleaner and what are the qualities of a good pool cleaner. Buy a Commercial pool cleaner that has these characteristics and features.

Reliability & Durability

Before buying a Commercial Pool Cleaner always make sure to check its durability and reliability. Automatic pool cleaners are expensive compared to other swimming pool cleaners and swimming pool cleaning robots are more expensive. But it is only by the initial investment that they will make up this cost when it comes to durability and reliability. You can always trust a reputable swimming pool cleaning robot if it is maintained properly they are designed to last the distance. 

Top-Quality Brushes 

A good pool cleaner should possess the best quality brushes to effectively remove dirt and debris from pool surfaces. The pool cleaner’s brush needs to be changed as they get worn out, so pool owners might tempt to buy low-quality brushes. But don't ever do this, brushes are not something we should neglect as they play an important role in cleaning the pool. Only the best quality brush can remove the dirt and trap the debris effectively. And also please remember to replace the brush once the bristles become too worn.

Energy Efficiency 

Check the pool cleaner you buy are energy efficient so that they won't cost you too much electricity bill. A reputed pool cleaner can always help you with this. Always try to buy a good brand that is energy efficient and also will give you superior cleaning results. Automatic swimming pool cleaning robots might be costly but they won't drain your power too much as the savings add up over time

Smart And Programmable

Choosing a cleaning machine that is smart and has programmable features. We will recommend you choose a commercial swimming pool cleaning robot as they use advanced technology. These features in pool cleaners will make your work much easier and save time. Robot pool cleaners will have a range of programs for you to customize your cleaning. They also have the ability to map out the layout of your pool so there are no missed spots. There are some models of robot pool cleaners which can even be operated remotely via an app.

Ability To Climb Stairs

Choose the pool cleaner that can climb the stairs. The pool can be of different shapes like deep pools or not-so-deep pools and they all might have stairs. Don't choose a cleaner that can only clean the bottom of the pool. If you have decided to buy a swimming pool cleaning robot, then take advantage of the full cleaning power of a robot that also has the ability to climb stairs. This will make sure that every surface of the pool is cleaned properly. In the swimming pool cleaning robots, there are models that can go all the way up to the waterline and clean the pool.

Maneuverability Power

Whether it’s commercial or private pools, pools can be of different shapes. While choosing a pool cleaner try to choose a cleaner that is able to clean every edge or corner of any shape. Make sure it won't leave any space and navigate easily through any shaped pools without any difficulty and that will also will clean every space without leaving any spot. Always make sure to select a cleaning machine according to the type of pool you got.

Ease Of Maintenance

Always remember to buy a commercial pool cleaner that has less and easy maintenance. Cleaning up their debris bags, unclogging them when their suction systems get clogged up by large debris, etc are part of the periodic maintenance process. Depending on the usage it is said that pool cleaning machines get as much as 1000 kilometers of mileage in them per year. Don't forget to do a proper study on the pool cleaners before buying them and always go through all customer reviews before choosing one because there are chances that some pool cleaners won't last the long haul or are difficult to maintain by yourself.


Commercial pools can be of any size and shape, always make sure you are investing in the right pool cleaner before investing. You can even clean large-size pools with specifically made handy cleaners. To clean a big pool the cleaners should have their maximum capacity to endure being in the pool for long durations without draining themselves or shortening their product lives. You must confirm that the pool cleaner you are choosing has the best endurance capacity to give you prolonged service and hence value for your money.


It is best to choose a pool cleaner who can reach and clean each nook and corner of your pool without any obstacles. For that make sure the pool cleaner you are selecting is custom fitted to handle your pool, especially regarding chord length. Some cords should be left over for the purpose of depth and to access your pool end to end. If you can choose a Self-driven swimming pool cleaning robot with inbuilt sensors then that will be the best of your decision since they can keep their cords from getting tangled or tipping over.

Debris Collecting Ability

There is no doubt that a pool can have a pool of debris like leaves, twigs, sand, rocks, hair, coins, or anything. A best-quality pool cleaner should have the ability to clean your pool regardless of what debris and dirt the pool contains with ease. Since they have this capability the chances of getting clogged when it gets blocked up by debris they could not handle will reduce. 

Conclusion On How To Choose The Right Commercial Pool Cleaner

We will recommend you choose an automatic commercial pool cleaner like a robotic pool cleaner over a Manual pool vacuum since manual vacuums require manual labor and rely on the pool’s filtration system. Manual pool vacuums also use an ineffective amount of water and electricity to clean your commercial pool. On the other hand, Commercial swimming pool cleaning robot requires very little labor and has their own filtering system. The inbuilt filtration system pulls water into the robot’s filter bag as it’s running which will in turn reduces energy and water consumption. 

A swimming pool cleaning robot will help you to save on chemical costs by circulating the chemicals already in the pool. Chemical like chlorine is heavy chemicals that will sink to the bottom if not regularly circulated and the automatic pool cleaner is capable to mixes the chemical-heavy water at the bottom of the pool. There are pool cleaners that will help you to reduce the number of chemicals used.

To buy the best commercial pool cleaner or to rent the best commercial pool cleaner, visit Yes Clean, one of the best Commercial pool cleaner suppliers in UAE. You can feel free to approach us regarding any doubts related to pool cleaning and its maintenance, our experts are here to help you out.

Happy and Healthy Clean