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Benefits of using steam vacuum cleaner a Complete Guide

Benefits of using steam vacuum cleaner a Complete Guide

It was no surprise to see people switching from cleaning with chemical solutions to steam vacuum cleaning, owing to the tremendous benefits of the latter. Even though the initial investment in steam vacuum cleaners could be on the higher end in comparison to the traditional cleaning methods, deep cleaning and disinfecting can be thoroughly achieved.

Apart from deep cleaning, there are many other benefits associated with the use of steam vacuum cleaning that makes it popular among people today. Why do we clean? We clean to remove any dust, dirt, germs or viruses. With regards to that, steam cleaning is considered the healthier, cost-effective and thorough method today. It’s not only about how well cleaning is possible with steam vacuum cleaners, but also it does the job much faster.

What are the benefits of using a steam vacuum cleaner?

From the name itself it’s understood that steam is made use for the cleaning. As we all know, steam has many incredible benefits. Let’s check into the benefits of steam vacuum cleaning in contrast to traditional cleaning systems.

Eco – friendly

The hot steam generally makes use of water and at times mild natural cleaners that help in disinfecting surfaces. This eliminates the necessity of harsh chemicals which otherwise has to be used to achieve spotless cleaning. 

Steam cleaning allows you to clean without causing any damage to the environment.With the traditional cleaning using harsh cleaning chemicals, the contaminants can leach into water or local soil thereby causing damage to animals and plants. The less chemicals used, the healthier the environment becomes.

Another benefit of steam cleaners is that they utilize very little water, much less than power washers, thereby saving a lot of portable water.  Normally the cleaning process involves a lot of waste getting dumped in landfills.

While using steam vacuum cleaners, it consists of brushes, washable pads and many other tools which can be used over and over again. This leads to fewer disposable items which in turn reduces the need to buy those items or the cleaning chemicals frequently.

Not using toxic chemicals provides several other advantages. First, the interior of your home will simply look better. Many chemicals leave behind streaks and smudges, not to mention residue that you can see.

Green Cleaning

As we learnt above, steam cleaning which employs pressurized steam will offer spotless and sparkling surfaces.  It has been understood that steam cleaning has the capability to remove any chemical residues. Harsh chemical cleaners contain compounds that some people get allergic to and can suffer reactions from them. Other health problems that cleaning chemicals can cause are eye, throat and skin irritation, headaches as well as respiratory problems.

Some chemical products can cause burns and working with them can be unsafe. Hence, it’s always good not to use chemical products for cleaning as there is zero risk.

Effective Cleaning

What makes steam cleaning more effective is the high pressure and temperature involved in it. Mostly steam vacuum cleaners generate steam of 212 deg F. This helps in achieving disinfection of the surfaces more effectively than any traditional cleaning systems. As per the reports from The United States Environmental Protection Agency, it’s understood that indoor surfaces have 100 times more allergens than outdoor surfaces and that states the importance of deep cleaning indoors as the majority of us stay indoors for a longer time.

Steam cleaning is highly recommended as it kills 99% of bacteria, eliminating the growth of mold and prevents any recurrence. Steam vacuum cleaning also removed dust mites, hard stains, fungi, grease and viruses. It’s considered perfect for hardwood floors and laminate floor cleaning as well as being capable of cleaning trapped pollutants.

Ease of Use 

Steam cleaners are easy to use in comparison to pressure washers which are a little difficult to control. Once the basics are understood, working with steam cleaners is the same as working with normal vacuum cleaners.

The only difference being the requirement to add some water into the steam cleaner boiler tank, switch it on till it reaches the boiling point or above and then you can start cleaning. Steam vacuum cleaners from YES Clean, UAE comes up with several attachments and brushes that will help you in cleaning. 

For sticky dirt, you may have to exert a little pressure, otherwise, steam vacuum cleaners help you achieve deep cleaning with the high steam and pressure. Upon using steam vacuum cleaners for some time, it’s required to clean the machine as the water can cause hard minerals to build up.


Apart from the benefits achieved with steam vacuum cleaners, the reason why it’s widely accepted is due to its versatility. Essentially any area can be cleaned with steam vacuum cleaners and the only requirement is water to clean. This allows you to save a lot of money on purchasing cleaning supplies. Be it windows, car interiors and exteriors, bathrooms, kitchens, sanitizing mattresses – steam cleaners could be used anywhere.


We have understood that steam vacuum cleaners could be used on a a large scale of surfaces but there are certain surfaces which cannot take the high temperature or pressure. These would include unsealed hardwood floors, marbles, limestones, bamboo, cardboard, paper, cracked floors, water-based paint surfaces, delicate items like silks, thin plastics, velour upholstery etc. It’s always important to cross check with the manufacturer manuals on the dos and don’ts with the steam vacuum cleaner.