These trolleys offer the best hygiene, comfort and safety. It features the option to lock with keys, frames or lids. This helps to keep the tools and detergents neat and clean and hidden. These trolleys also have the option of silent wheels with brakes and cushioned lids to facilitate zero noise while closing. Another feature of these trolleys is the availability of color coding on mops and tools in order to avoid cross-contamination. It’s also facilitated with an enhanced and flexible pre-impregnation system. Various models of different sizes are available.
These trolleys offer the best hygiene, comfort and safety. It features the option to lock with keys, frames or lids. This helps to keep the tools and detergents neat and clean and hidden. These trolleys also have the option of silent wheels with brakes and cushioned lids to facilitate zero noise while closing. Another feature of these trolleys is the availability of color coding on mops and tools in order to avoid cross-contamination. It’s also facilitated with an enhanced and flexible pre-impregnation system. Various models of different sizes are available.
For a better hygiene, and safety, comfort
Trolleys can be completely closed with doors (lockable), lids or frames holders.
Detergent and tools are always tidy, hidden by a closed cabinet.
Wheels are particularly silent, with brakes
No noise, when lids are closed, cushioned closing•
To prevent cross-contamination:
Color coding is available on all tools and mops,
No touch devices, and pedal lid openings
Advanced and flexible pre-impregnation system"